Camp Flintstone
Self-Catering at the Gamsberg
The Camp Flintstone at Rooiklip is our self-catering Camp. The guests are living in small, natural stone houses, prepare their meals and relax in the big Lapa.
The same as the Felsen Camp is Camp Flintstone build directly on the rocks only with stones from the local area. A fully equipped kitchen area and 12V solar power is available. We pump our water from a depth of 100 meters. It is naturally, living water of the best quality and suitable for drinking. Hot water is provided by sun and a solar geyser. Electric light, USB sockets and wifi are available in all rooms.
Minimum booking: 2 nights
Two 2-bed houses: N$ 1300 / house / 2 nights
Additional night: N$ 650
One 4-bed house: N$ 1900 / house / 2 nights
Additional night: N$ 950
Whole Camp Flintstone: N$ 4300 / 2 nights
Additional night: N$ 2150
Camp Flintstone amenities and facilities:
- Hot & cold water
- 2 showers
- 2 toilets
- Big Lapa / Braai area
- Fully equiped kitchen
- 12V solar power
- Wifi